Helping People in Need of Medical Care
We provide free or low-cost outpatient surgical services to Northern & Southern California counties with the most advanced, innovative, and comprehensive health care available.
We have always stayed true to our Mission Statement:
To provide low income, uninsured and under insured communities of Northern & Southern California with free or low cost out-patient surgical services in a compassionate and caring environment.
Our Patients
Managed Care
Who We Are
The Aryana Health Care Foundation was established to help individuals in need of outpatient surgical services who unfortunately are financially unable to buy health insurance coverage, or meet the cost of the care they need.
“There is absolutely no person in the world that should go without medical care even if they can’t afford it.”
—Fariba Graham | Executive Director of Aryana Health Care Foundation
Recent News
How Charity Helps
How Charity Helps The Health Care System.
Free or Low-Cost Outpatient Surgical Services
Providing Free or Low-Cost services to under or uninsured individuals.
To help or not to help?
Aryana Health Care Foundation principles of caring.