(800) 634-3716 | (650) 531-9082 info@aryanahealthcarefoundation.org
How Charity Helps

How Charity Helps

When the financial resources of a patient are low, hospitals and special healthcare organizations offer free help as a part of their charity program. The goal of the charity projects is to increase the accessibility of medical care to those who live near or below the...
Free or Low-Cost Outpatient Surgical Services

Free or Low-Cost Outpatient Surgical Services

Accessibility to healthcare is a topic causing hot discussions within all the layers of American society. The problem partly escalated within the last years after the adoption of new changes in the law that substantially altered the system and money distribution...
To help or not to help?

To help or not to help?

People should help each other, should be kind and appreciative, do you share that point? Based on these principles, many years ago Julia Hashemieh, Bobby Sarnevesht, Javad Zolfagahri, decided to create an organization whose main purpose, would be to help people in...